What is Cavom

Cavom is the complete, high-quality meal for your dog

Cavom brings and keeps your dog in top condition. Cavom contains all nutrients in the right proportion. Supplementing with vitamins is therefore no longer necessary. Cavom contains pure meat; no unnecessary, harmful artificial colours, fragrances or flavours have been added.

VDM Diervoederfabriek (Pet Food Factory) BV has consciously chosen pressed granules in the purest form, without the addition of steam in the pressing process. This means that due to the choice of ingredients, their composition, the preparation, the addition of liquids, the production and application of its own unique premixes and the pressing process of this homogeneous mixture, a high-quality, well-balanced food has been created. Through the chosen method of pressing, a hard, wear-resistant granule was sought, which had an open structure, was somewhat porous and which would better release the aroma of the components.


Pressed morsels have various advantages

During the manufacturing process, less energy is used and is therefore less impact on the environment.
Ingredients retain their value, because during the pressing process, the chunks stay well below 100°C.
Vitamins, minerals and other ingredients therefore stay completely intact. Pressed morsels put less of a strain on the stomach and digesting the morsels is easier because they dissolve much faster in the stomach.


Our website shows analyses of the various Cavom products

Cavom compleet, Cavom compleet pup/junior, Cavom compleet senior, Cavom compleet light andCavom compleet lam & rijst are available in 5 and 20 kg packs. Cavom compleet midi is available in 2 and 10 kg packs. Cavom compleet diner is available in a 10 kg pack.








I feed my two Stabijhoun males (9½ and 6 years), both now over seven years to full satisfaction Cavom. For my oldest stabijreu now (9½ years), I have searched the right food for a long time. He got expanded chunks (inherited from the breeder) but they gave im the itch. In addition I did not like the expanded lump chunks. The pressed pellet from one brand was too heavy on the stomach and on the other end he suddenly did not want to eat anymore. Since I started feeding with Cavom, now more than seven years ago, I have a dog who eats it's foodtray daily with lot's of taste. He always has solid stool and a shiny coat.

Mirjam van Geemert en Kwibus & Jari